This final version of the “Detroit 101” workshop is part of the US Social Forum Workshop Series developed by SOUL (School of Unity & Liberation) in conjunction with POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights) and Causa Justa::Just Cause (CJJC) in the San Francisco Bay Area. This Workshop Series is designed to support organizations in developing unique curriculum to prepare delegations to attend the US Social Forum 2010 in Detroit.
Contained within here are the full workshop outline to understand the broad history and context of Detroit along with a popular education activity—”Who Wants to Be A Millionaire: Detroit Edition”—with complete instructions and multimedia presentation. Also included are “Quick Facts” on the topic and a list of research resources for further study or information.
The other workshops in this series are:
- History of the World Social Forum/US Social Forum
- Detroit 101
- Converging C rises: Economy, Ecology, Empire
- Standing with the People of the World
- Neoliberalism in Our Communities
- In It to Win It: Our Movement and Strategies.*
You can find them here on Build the Wheel.*
* “In It to Win It…” coming soon!