DiversityWorks: The Source (The Source)

Welcome to The Source, the online sortable database of diversity, anti-oppression, and community-building activities developed by DiversityWorks. We invite you to use this tool to strengthen your trainings, introduce new material, and work towards creating a more just world.


Cross The Line

This activity is a wonderful opportunity for participants to share and learn from fellow participants about particular groups and subgroups that we all belong to.…

Concentric Circles

This is a great starter activity for new groups in which participants converse with half of other group members, finishing statements read to them by the facilitator.…

Would You Rather?

This reflective activity encourages participants to think about their priorities and make some quick decisions about them. It’s an active exercise where participants vote with their feet and is good for closing out a workshop, or conversely, for starting out.…


This art-related activity has participants create posters from magazines showing who is stereotyped and who is omitted in typical ads in order to have people think critically about the messages we receive from the media.…

Listening to the Lyrics

This activity has participants select and bring in songs that they then analyze for how they treat gender, race, sexual orientation, the like.…