National Organizers Alliance

NOA’s mission is to advance progressive organizing for social, economic and environmental justice and to sustain, support and nurture the people of all ages who do it. In furtherance of that goal, our members are organizers who are responsible to a defined constituency and who help build that constituency through leadership development, collective action and the development of democratic structures.


Goals of Organizing: An Introductory or Refresher Class

Who: Training to be used for new organizers, for members of community groups, refresher courses in community organizing, and wherever understanding community can be useful to leadership development.…

The Sacred Cows of Organizing

Description: Are the common approaches to organizing serving us well? Are there better ways to achieve long-term strategic alliances and structural changes?…

Approaches to Social Change

Goal: To make sure that participants understand what direct-action organizing is and how it differs from other types of social change.…