• Topics

Human Rights and Wrongs

Participants will evaluate their school’s, neighborhood’s, or other community group’s human rights climate using criteria derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The activity builds towards identifying areas of particular concern and developing an action plan to begin addressing them.… Read more


This activity uses the creation of an imaginary group, the Greenskins, to look at the impact of discrimination. The participants create characteristics for this imaginary group, and then consider the impact that this minority group would have on their lives. Favorite… Read more

Five Fears

This activity has participants list and discuss their fears in general, and then transitions to having them share their fears about people who might be different than they. In this way, it starts off as a good get-to-know-you activity and quickly deepens into something potentially much more powerful and strategy-based for dealing with the fears that divide people.… Read more

Race Track

This discussion-based activity has participants create timelines to help consider when they acquired their racial attitudes towards their own racial/ethnic group and towards others, and to explore these together. Favorite… Read more

Universe of Allies

This activity has participants draw their universe of allies, mapping out the roles that allies and potential allies play. It invites participants to consider societal barriers and the role that current and potential allies might play in overcoming these. Favorite… Read more

Legacy of a Woman

This activity looks at the role that women play in our lives. Through the use of a hand-out, participants share what they’ve gained from the women who have shaped their lives, and consider how the societal role of women can be more honored in the future.… Read more

Building Allies

In this activity participants form groups and discuss individual scenarios around the theme of “privilege.” Participants then brainstorm ways in which privilege can be used towards creating positive change and forming alliances. Favorite… Read more