• Topics

Base Building 101

This training is useful in creating a common understanding of what base-building is, why basebuilding is important, and how organizers can successfully build the base of their organization. This training is geared toward new and emerging organizers and leaders. Goals: Explore base building within a movement-building context.… Read more

Chapter 4: Getting Issues on the Public Agenda

Contains information about how to assess community needs and resources (e.g. conducting listening sessions, analyzing problems) how to get issues on the public agenda (e.g., gaining public support), and how to choose broad strategies to promote community health and development (e.g.,… Read more

USSF Starter Kit – Standing with the People of the World

This workshop is part of the US Social Forum Workshop Series developed by SOUL (School of Unity & Liberation) in conjunction with POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights)* and Causa Justa::Just Cause (CJJC) in the San Francisco Bay Area. This Workshop Series is designed to support organizations in developing unique curriculum to prepare delegations to attend the US Social Forum 2010 in Detroit.… Read more

USSF Starter Kit – What is the World Social Forum?

This workshop is part of the US Social Forum Workshop Series developed by SOUL (School of Unity & Liberation) in conjunction with POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights)* and Causa Justa::Just Cause (CJJC) in the San Francisco Bay Area. This Workshop Series is designed to support organizations in developing unique curriculum to prepare delegations to attend the US Social Forum 2010 in Detroit.… Read more

“Who’s That Asian?” Game

This is a good concept and intro to understanding the diverse leadership and activism within the Asian American community. This activity was used primarily with youth of color. Favorite… Read more

Chapter 3: Assessing Community Needs and Resources

Community Assessment, Agenda Setting, and Choice of Broad Strategies Contains information about how to assess community needs and resources (e.g. conducting listening sessions, analyzing problems) how to get issues on the public agenda (e.g., gaining public support), and how to choose broad strategies to promote community health and development (e.g.,… Read more