• Topics

Theater-Based Brainstorm: The Principles of a Solidarity Economy

This tool has been developed to encourage creative, grassroots participation in the discussion on: What kind of an economy do we want to create? Instead of “teaching” people the principles of a solidarity economy (that others have established), use this exercise to generate your group’s own set of guiding principles for a solidarity economy.… Read more

Participatory Dialogue and Analysis: The Economic Crisis

This workshop was developed for the purpose of opening up the discourse around the economic crisis to low income working class people of color. The study of economics is often confined to “experts” with degrees in economics, but the assumption behind this tool is that its audience (those who experience most heavily the consequences of economic decision-making) are actually the most qualified to discuss and analyze the current economic crisis.… Read more


ESTA CAPACITACION ESTA DISEÑADA PARA AYUDAR A LAS PARTICIPANTES A: Identificar su capacidad individual para ser agentes de cambio y Enmarcar las experiencias de luchas individuales como escalones hacia el involucramiento en la lucha colectiva. Después de experimentar con diversos diseños, hemos confeccionado este taller para que cumpla con un rango de diversos objetivos de capacitación.… Read more

Workshop 7 – We Are Community Organizers! Understanding How to Organize Our Community

THE GOALS OF THIS WORKSHOP ARE TO: Connect the work of community organizing to people’s everyday experience Understand the difference between community organizing, education and service Understand how community organizing is a tool to solve community problems Practice using community organizing to solve community problems This workshop is number 7 in a series of 7 workshops in the curriculum “Uncovering Who We Are: Political Education for Latina Women.”… Read more

Workshop 6 – We Are Leaders! Developing Ourselves as Community Leaders

THE GOALS OF THIS WORKSHOP ARE TO: Make the issue of leadership relevant to participants’ personal lives Develop a collective definition of leadership Connect our ideas of leadership with our organizing work Identify how participants can show leadership in the organization Clarify the areas in which participants are strong and areas in which they need to develop their leadership skills This workshop is number 6 in a series of 7 workshops in the curriculum “Uncovering Who We Are: Political Education for Latina Women.”… Read more